Dedicated solution provider of various thermal imaging and detection products
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Igwefoto Thermography

  • Radifeel RF630D VOCs OGI Igwefoto

    Radifeel RF630D VOCs OGI Igwefoto

    A na-eji igwefoto UAV VOCs OGI iji chọpụta mwepu nke methane na ogige organic na-agbanwe agbanwe (VOCs) nwere mmetụta dị elu 320 × 256 MWIR FPA detector.Ọ nwere ike nweta ihe onyonyo infrared ozugbo nke ntapu gas, nke dabara maka nchọpụta ozugbo nke VOC gas na-agbapụta n'ọhịa ụlọ ọrụ, dị ka ebe a na-anụcha ọkụ, mmanụ dị n'ụsọ osimiri na ebe nrigbu gas, ebe nchekwa gas na ebe njem, ụlọ ọrụ kemịkalụ / biochemical. , ụlọ ọrụ biogas na ọdụ ọkụ.

    Igwefoto UAV VOCs OGI na-achịkọta ihe kachasị ọhụrụ na ihe nchọta, ngwa nju oyi na oghere oghere maka ịkwalite nchọta na ịhụ anya nke ntanya gas hydrocarbon.

  • Igwefoto okpomọkụ Radifeel jụrụ oyi RFMC-615

    Igwefoto okpomọkụ Radifeel jụrụ oyi RFMC-615

    Ọhụrụ RFMC-615 usoro infrared thermal imaging igwefoto na-anabata ihe nchọpụta infrared jụrụ oyi nwere ọmarịcha arụmọrụ, yana nwee ike ịnye ọrụ ahaziri iche maka nzacha ihe nzacha pụrụ iche, dị ka nzacha nha ọkụ ọkụ, ihe nzacha ihe nzacha gas pụrụ iche, nke nwere ike ịghọta onyonyo dị iche iche, warara. -band filter, brọdband conduction na pụrụ iche okpomọkụ nso pụrụ iche spectral ngalaba calibration na ndị ọzọ gbatịrị ngwa.